exchangeunion :: Bridging digital currency exchanges globally

exchangeunion MISSION :- Bridge digital currency exchanges around the world and realize investors’ cross-exchange trading, cross-exchange clearing, deposits and withdrawals among different digital currencies and assets.
Improve trading efficiency and performance of exchanges and realize the market-oriented distribution of digital currencies’ liquidity and best price offers.
First, bridge the exchanges in terms of trading, deposits, withdrawals and clearing through agreements among digital currency exchanges and offer discounts on trading fees; provide deals on credit and margin trading. Soon afterwards, build Exchange Union Chain and realize the full interconnection among digital currency exchanges through blockchain technique.
Asian Digital Currency Exchanges Unocoin, Coinhako and CHBTC Show Support for Exchange Union
         The crowd sale will run from Aug 7th - Aug 31st 2017
Company name: Exchange Union
My: Willy2018


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