
Showing posts from July, 2018


AgentMile - The CRE Leasing Platform is decentralized About AgentMile AgentMile is a platform for commercial real estate rental first decentralized in the world. We enable the broker and land owners to register their commercial property in our MLS blockchain-powered and introduce improved performance leasing, management, and reporting. This enables us to gain unique insights and watch behind the scenes regarding the requirements of several models of Economic Affairs in the real estate industry. Our customers belong to the global real estate franchise network sort of Coldwell Banker and Century 21 and the smaller independent broker. The digital world is now eager to release the mobility, efficiency, as well as greater transparency for commercial real estate assets that make up one of the largest global asset groups positive of the integration of technology blockchain. For not a few people who know about technology, blockchain is very related to the cryptocurrency and, thus,


WPP ENERGY - An Innovative Decentralised Renewable Energy Trading Platform Business idea: • Start with worries about the high rising fuels within the US and abroad, 1972 Mr. Rafael Ben began a research and development with his engineering and scientist team to alternate other fuels technologies and was the rst person who has used alcohol blends during this period and wrote “Methanol - A Clean Fuel for the 21st century”. • WPP ENERGY’s mission has throughout the years is to use Innovative and Disruptive Technologies to Produce and Provide the World’s Most Affordable and E cient 100% Clean Energy. • WPP has a solution under development that will convert polluting power producers into efficient low cost green energy producers. WPP business plan includes converting to clean HHO energy as many as possible of the world's 20,000+ polluting Coal, Oil, Natural Gas and Gasoline Power Plants. WPP has a total solution to clean up this industry, greatly reducing operating costs and incr


Alphateca Olá a todos, este é um dia maravilhoso, com um projeto de vida muito interessante ... Alphateca, o banco de trás, leia este artigo para entender melhor o projeto e seus benefícios. Alphateca - um mercado global de criptografia no qual cada usuário pode atuar como comprador e vendedor, vendedor ou todos os tipos de produtos e serviços para compra em todo o mundo, como o pagamento por criptomoeda. Imagine que você está em 10 minutos sem sair de casa, verifique se é sua carteira pessoal, acesse Alphateca e ofereça alguns cliques para vender seu tablet, carro, barco, música de maquiagem ou artefatos raros de jogos de computador populares - em geral, todos! Dezenas de milhares de pessoas veem seu anúncio todos os dias e alguém vai adorar. Em pouco tempo você vai encontrar clientes, você paga por kriptokoshelek e secretamente compra os produtos que você recebe de centenas de categorias no kriptomarkete. Você não precisa reduzir a moeda de todo o sistema de criptografia - você


Meritt Welcome my dear subscribers. Today I will tell you about a promising project. Meritt is an open Protocol for self-creation and maintenance of peer-to-peer financial contracts on Blockchain. A unique decentralized platform, which will be really popular today. After all, intellectual contracts are a real guarantee of quality of transactions. The project Meritt is ideal for the decentralized collection of funds, financing tokens and more! Open Protocol for chain formation and execution of peer-to-peer financial contracts In this case, we can consider a simple algorithm for using the Meritt platform: Setting goals for the new contract. Financial contract Meritt compliant ERC20 establishing a framework for the transfer and splitting of tokens. Can the transfer be limited to a closed user group and temporarily suspended ??(the token can be frozen.) Dynamic payment channel. Any payments from the Issuer of the contract tokens (for example, payment of dividends by the compa

Prime Shipping

Prime Shipping Морской транспорт проверен временем. Когда-то человечество с телег и караванов перешло на дорожный и воздушный транспорт, но океанские грузовые суда по-прежнему обеспечивают 75% перевозок на нашей планете. Как и многие другие, судоходная отрасль может быть значительно усовершенствована с помощью технологий Блокчейн. Что и намерена сделать команда проекта Prime Shipping, об ICO которого наш обзор. Проблемы судоходной отрасли Поскольку судоходная отрасль является незаменимым элементом глобальной экономической инфраструктуры, она не испытывает острой необходимости в технологических преобразованиях. Среди работников судоходных компаний даже распространена шутка: «Лучшее, что было придумано для грузового судоходства это телеграф ». Но в любой шутке есть доля правды. Ничего нового со времён «электронной почты» в морские перевозки внедрено не было, а цепочка сделки выглядит так же, как и сотню лет назад. Prime Shipping готова стать катализатором


MYTC Hay más de 5 millones de pequeñas y medianas empresas / empresas en todo el mundo que realizan intercambios recíprocos / trueque, pero aún no existe una plataforma descentralizada para que estas empresas puedan comerciar / intercambiar entre sí a nivel mundial. Los miembros actuales de intercambios de trueque / comercio existentes tienen acceso limitado a los miembros de otras plataformas, se les cobran tasas de intercambio excesivas, controladas a través de un libro mayor centralizado, el valor del dólar comercial se devalúa debido a miembros limitados que no pueden comerciar con cada uno otro debido a restricciones. El problema es que las empresas, especialmente las pequeñas y medianas empresas, solo pueden realizar intercambios con miembros que conocen y que se encuentran localmente cerca de ellos. MYTC tiene la intención de crear una plataforma descentralizada para que todas las pequeñas y medianas empresas utilicen una moneda común para realizar intercambios recípro